Pikka aega, we were trying to create a stanchion, which can be used as a belt stanchion, a rope stanchion, and a cafe barrier, to save the cost and storage spaces. Now we did it. Jinke Jazz series stanchion, which combining belt, rope, banner in ONE, and it’s adapted to sign holder, display bowl, writing table and many other accessories, always can meet your purpose.Jinke use High tech powder coating and Nano coating, to make sure the color coating can remain at least 3 years while normal using. Smooth surface, multi color optional, find what you like.
Inspired by the Stand Collar, Jinke made a personification design of rope stanchion. Diamond cutting surface and stand collar design, makes the stanchion more solemn and gorgeously. It has 320-degree hanging loop, makes the rope can be adjusted from any directions. Dangling Design, Simple and Stylish. It’s widely used in luxury hotels.
Know what you need, Do what you want — Jinke Stanchion