Un fornitore professionista di candelieri e Trash Bins.

Montante per cintura retrattile nero opaco

» Candelieri per cintura retrattile serie Jazz » Polvere-Coating Candelieri » Matte Black Retractable Belt Stanchion
  • Montante per cintura retrattile nero opaco

    Polvere-Coating Candelieri
    Dimensione Altezza 36.6" x Giorno 12.6"
    Materiale Metallo
    finire Matte Black Powder Coating
    Peso 8.5kg
    lunghezza della cinghia 7.5 piedi
    Colore Cintura Opzionale, Stampa di marchio Disponibile
    • specificazioni
    • Features

    Matte Black Powder Coating Queue Stand, Widely Used in Airport, Hotel, Bank. 2.3 Meter Belt, Stampa di marchio Disponibile.

    One of the distinguishing features of Jinke retractable belt stanchion is the design of the gold or silver ring on the belt cassette, which is complemented by the elegant black pole. With the exclusive text on the belt, the professional service of the custom made is more obvious.
    At the same time, Jinke retractable belt stanchion also support multi-functional extensions, such as rope stanchions, advertising cafe barriers, sign post and etc.

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