Kodiċi tal-oġġett | LG-0053-W |
Daqs | Għoli 39.4" x lilu 12.6" |
Materjal | Stainless Steel |
Fuq | Diamond Top |
Temm | Deheb Titanizing |
Piż | 8.5kg |
MOQ | 100 pcs |
With a gorgeous appearance, dan l-istann tal-ħabel tad-deheb huwa magħmul apposta għal okkażjonijiet high-end. Id-disinn uniku ta 'fuq tad-djamanti jagħmel l-arblu jidher aktar luxurious.
Gold rope stanchions are the most commonly seen VIP queue barriers that can control the VIP crowds and maintain orderly queue lines. Manufactured from heavy duty constructure, our rope stanchions can help you with a more effectively crowd control.
320-degree connectors allow users to lay out stanchions in a variety of shapes and spaces at will.
Manifatturat minn azzar inossidabbli heavy duty, il-premium tal-ħabel stanchions huma aktar durabbli u sturdier minn ekonomija stanchions.
Our stanchions use thicker gauge stainless steel tubes of 0.8mm, which are not easily dented or damaged and have a longer service life than the metal tubes of about 0.5mm in the economic stanchions.
Kollha tal-premium stanchions tagħna għandhom bażi ta 'konkrit ta' densità għolja ta '7kg. Il-bażi ta 'dijametru ta' 35mm tipprovdi stabbiltà eċċellenti għall-istampi, anke jekk jiġi mbuttat u mbuttat ripetutament f'ambjent iffullar, it will not fall and keep the stanchions in place.
Linja tal-gomma taċ-ċirkonferenza sħiħa fil-qiegħ tal-bażi tgħin tipproteġi l-art mill-grif.